Officer Dan’s Visit to Castello Kindergarten!

Officer Dan

Last Friday, Officer Dan from the Elk Grove Police Department came to our school to talk to the kindergarten classes about safety.  He showed us his uniform and the tools he uses to keep our community safe. We learned about how they use their baton, their walkie-talkies, handcuffs, and other tools to help keep us safe. Some kids got to try to pick up some of the heavy tools that police officers use.




Officer Dan brought a robot to show us!  The robot can go into small or dangerous places to see if it’s safe for the police officers to enter. It even has a video camera on it.  


Officer Dan showed us his police car and let us see the lights and hear the very loud siren !

Thank you for visiting us Officer Dan 🙂

Fun’d Run Fun with the Superdogs :)

As you can see we were ready to run!  Ears on, check, capes ready to fly, check…


Class pic(5)Fund Run



Just a little stretching with PAWS before our run…FundrunFundrun (3)  Ready for action…Superdogs to the Rescue!!!

Fundrun (2)Fundrun 1

Thank you to all of our parents who were able to come out and help, we had so much fun and you made it so much more fun, just by being there!

I Love Kindergarten Shirts

Here is a sample of one of last year’s shirts–ours will be red.  Be sure to send your order in tomorrow–if you have misplaced the order form, no worries I have more printed here at school.  You can write the information in an email or note and send in the $10.   Child’s name, your name, my name, Your home phone.  Don’t forget about how cool it would be for you to have one as well!


Ours will have our names on the back.

Its a short but very busy week…

Here it is Tuesday already and we are off to a running start on our week!

I wanted to update you on some information that was in your child’s white folder this week:

  • Fund Run Shout Outs & Volunteer Opportunity:  These are little shout outs that will happen during the fund run on 9/18. They are due by Tuesday, Sept 15–best to send it in with your child’s white folder this Friday.   Remember that we will be running on Friday, 9/18 from 11:15 to 11:45.  I email forwarded a volunteer flyer to you today if you are interested in helping hand out water, etc. to our runners on the day of the run.
  • Fund Run packets were sent out last week, any pledges/donations that you receive on behalf of your child are absolutely due on the day of the run.
  • I also included a PTA membership application.  If you haven’t joined yet, please do.  Our PTA does so many things for our school that benefit all students.  Memberships are only $5 a person.
  • Kindergarten T-Shirt orders are due this Friday 9/11/15.  Shirts are $10. each.  They really are a special keepsake for the children–ours will be red 🙂  You can also order one for yourself to support us.  If you plan to go with us to the Pumpkin Patch in October, you might want to order one…I always do.

I am so proud of our students, our class is learning so much about following directions and learning to be a friend to others.  I love it when I hear a kindergartner encourage a friend, very sweet!  Thank you for your continued support at home–I say it all the time, we can teach children at school, but home is their very first teacher!

Superdogs to the Rescue!

The Fund Run is coming on Friday, September 18!

September at Castello always means Fund Run!  Our annual Fund Run is our PTA’s main fundraiser and we all get involved, and we invite our parents to get involved with us.

Our class theme is going to be Superdogs to the Rescue!  We will be working on our costumes in class (doggie ears and a red paper cape for each of us) and have already started working on our poster.  Soon, the children will be bringing home pledge envelopes so that family and friends can help support our school.

Please plan to come and cheer us on.  Volunteers are always welcome both out on the field and in the classroom helping our kinders get ready for the big event!  More information will follow, but please save the date if you can 🙂

I Love HCC Kindergarten T-shirts

We will be sending home a flyer about purchasing kindergarten t-shirts for your children.  Each class has their own color and we like to wear them on field trips and for spirit days here at school. It is so wonderful to see our class go on field trips–we can instantly recognize our little people as we walk through or stand in line waiting together.  They are not expensive at all and are a wonderful souvenir of your child’s kindergarten year because all of their classmates signatures are printed on the back!

Our classroom blog is for you.

Please feel free to comment at any time.  Questions are welcome…sometimes the question you have might be one someone else is wondering about, too.

As always, thank you so much for your continued support at home.


School Days or Daze?

A look at our schedule…

By this second week of kindergarten, we are starting to settle into our routines, and it feels really good to see kids come into class and “own” the classroom!  They enter quietly, put away backpacks and find a spot to begin their learning for the day.  I thought I might share what our basic daily schedule looks like:

11:05 Students enter gate, line up on blue dot G-1.

11:10  Overlap: Class begins, we walk quietly into the classroom, put our things away and find a spot on the rug–Mrs. Kennedy’s class is usually listening to a story and we listen to it while I take roll on the computer.  We do calendar, sing some good morning songs, sometimes hear the big book story of the day with both classes together.

11:30 Mrs. Kennedy’s class leaves for the day,  we find our assigned spots on the rainbow carpet and our class begins Reading time, or English Language Arts, (ELA), our Reading Wonders Program.

  • Building Background or Weekly theme :  This week it is about families.  We use the big book to explore print concepts, talk about what we already know, sharing ideas with others using complete sentences.
  • Listening Comprehension:  We listen to stories and investigate to find out more–thinking about the story, learning how answer questions based on evidence in the story and pictures.
  • Word Work:  This is our phonics lesson.  At the beginning of the year, its letter names and then it grows to learning the 31 sounds, and then by about mid year we are blending words together.  We also practice our sight or high frequency word of the week .
  • Shared writing/reading:  Some days we are learning how to write sentences and students come up to write a word or help read a sentence.  We learn about using a word web to write, so that by 2nd trimester we are writing sentences on our own.  Other days we might have a Shared Reading activity with one of our Big Books.

12:15  Workshop:  Every day we all rotate in small assigned groups of 6 to different learning tables.  One group is always the Go Math group, one is usually a writing activity, one is a theme related activity, and another might be a skill practice group.  I usually teach Go Math and Mrs. Kennedy teaches the writing activity–but sometimes we switch.  The other two groups need parent help to make sure that the tasks are getting done quietly and timely.  Each group rotation is 15 minutes.

1:15 Snack/Recess:  Weather allowing, we are outside having our snacks that we have brought from home, cleaning up and putting away our things, then setting off to play.  We encourage students to use the bathroom and drink water during this time, so that when we return to class our time is focused back on learning activities.

1:45  Story time back in the classroom and then an activity that supports the day’s learning or theme.  Currently, we are working on our “Color Books” at this time, but sometimes we spend time practicing our letter formation as well.

2:15  E.O.D. (End of Day) activities:  We try to finish our day talking about what we did for the day, our favorite part, etc.  We sing and do movement activities during this time as well.  Students stack their chairs as we get close to 2:30.

2:30 Dismissal:  We sing our goodbye song and walk out to be dismissed.

As you can see from our schedule, we are very busy all day long.  So School Days or School Daze?  It depends upon the day, of course!!



*All forms need to be in asap!  In order for our class to visit the library and/or computer lab, permission slips must be signed and turned in.

*Thank you for all of the support with white folders, sight word rings and decodable books coming in!

*If you haven’t joined the PTA, please do!  If you have a smart phone, there is a free Castello app–I added it to my phone and it has so many cool things–calendar, news from PTA, school information, a way to pay for lunches online through the app, much more!!

As always, thanks so much for your support at home.





Welcome to Kindergarten!

Kindergarten is the best!

I hope that everyone is having a wonderful summer, I know that  mine has been fun.  We will have Kindergarten Orientation on Wednesday, August 12–this is a special time for parents to come to school with their children so that we can all meet one another.  We will have some activities for you to do with your children and a time when my partner, Mrs. Kennedy, takes our class outside to play and explore the playground, while I explain our program to parents.  It’s a short day, but a very important day, so please put this day on your calendar and plan to bring your camera 🙂

Our first “real” day of school is Thursday, August 13.  This is a regular Kindergarten day.  Friday is our second day of school, and then the weekend–short weeks like this are perfect for little ones because school is a lot of new, all at once!

I hope to meet everyone at orientation, see you then!

Happy New Year!

Welcome back to school everyone!  I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas Vacation with your family.  Our family had a lot of fun, but at our Christmas we missed our son who is a Marine and couldn’t make it home.  He is coming home and his Christmas Break starts today, yay, I will get to see my son for a whole week!

Upcoming Events:

We have two important dates coming up:

  • Tuesday, January 27th:  Our 100th day of school!
  • Thursday, February 12th:  Valentines Exchange (your child can bring 24 valentines for friends, you might start looking for some now–more info later)
  • Friday, February 13the:  Field trip to see the play, “Peter Pan,” at Franklin High School

Flyers about 100’s day and the play were included in your child’s white folder today, be sure to check them out 🙂


Homework Update:

I have to say that our class does a super job getting their homework in!  So proud of all of our students 🙂   Please be sure to read the directions to your child before they begin their homework, sometimes when I check the homework a few things end up skipped because the children are not able to read the directions for themselves.  Something that might have been simple for them to do ends up being done wrong because the directions weren’t followed.

The sight word rings are going well, too.  It is so exciting to see how many words our little people are learning.  Please be sure to practice all of the words that your child has been learning, not just the most recent ones–we want to make sure they keep what they have already learned and keep adding to it.  Hopefully, you are seeing a reader appear–combining  sight words that they have learned (that they can’t sound out) and words that they are able to blend should be helping your child begin to read words in stories that you read together.  This is such an exciting time for kindergartners!  They are breaking this “secret code” called reading!!  HOORAY!

Please be sure that you are continuing to practice reading the decodable books with your child.  Unfortunately, we are not able to consistently have each child read the returned book to an adult in class each week.  We spend time blending unknown words from the decodable in class, practice the book a few times, take turns reading out loud, and then the books are sent home, usually on Wednesday.  Reading practice will help develop fluency in reading which means that your child will read smoothly with few errors and begin to recognize many words without sounding/ blending them.  Be sure that your child tracks with their finger as they read, because the books will be getting harder sooner than you think!

First Grade is just around the corner…

Actually, today was the 86th day of school, next week we will be halfway through our year together!  As we get closer to first grade, we start to make small changes to help our students get ready for the big changes coming next year.  Some of them include:  encouraging students to use the bathroom and get a drink during recess rather than during class, shortening recess from 30 minutes to 20 minutes to allow for increased learning time (remember just send a small energy packed snack, not a lunch),  expecting students to listen to directions and work quietly during class, respecting the learning of other students and listening to the teacher.  At the beginning of kindergarten when children are learning our routines we expect to give many reminders about some of the things previously listed, but by this time in the year students really are expected to know how to listen & follow directions.

Thanks so much for your continued support of our class,

Linda O’Neill